I assisted/taught a variety of lectures and supervised a range of projects related to Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering at the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI).
Thesis and Project Supervision
Efficient Components of an OSS Dependency Graph Builder, Daniel Travaglia and Ian Abuaf Pelo, Summer internships, 2023/2024, USI.
Predicting Safety-Critical Misbehaviours in Autonomous Driving Systems using Uncertainty Quantification, Davide Mammarella, MSc Thesis (Master in Informatics), 2021/2022, USI / Università di Milano Bicocca Double Degree.
Leveraging Autoencoders for Robustness of Image Classifier based Applications, André García Gómez, MSc Thesis (Master in Artificial Intelligence), 2020/2021, USI. Awarded Top Grade.
White-Box Out of Distribution Supervision in Convolutional Neural Networks, Rwiddhi Chakraborty, MSc Thesis (Master in Artificial Intelligence), 2020/2021, USI.
Towards an Interactive Tool for Neural Network Input Comprehension, Martin Odermatt, UROP Research Project (Master in Software and Data Engineering), 2020, USI.
Teaching Assistance and Substitute Lecturing
Information Modelling and Analysis: Discussion of a variety of Artificial Intelligence techniques, and two projects where useful information had to be gathered from raw data. (MSc, USI, 2021 & 2022)
Software Atelier 3: Introduction to a node.js web stack: At the end of the course, teams of students were able to program fully functional web applications. (BSc, USI, 2020)
Programming Fundamentals 2: Object-oriented programming using Java. (BSc, USI, 2020)
Seminar Series of the Software Institute: A weekly course for PhD students, where researchers present recent advances in software engineering. (PhD, USI, 2020 - 2022)
Advanced Java Programming: The most advanced programming course at USI. (MSc, USI, 2019 & 2021)
Applied Artificial Intelligence: Theoretical analysis and practical exercises considering a range of artificial intelligence techniques. (MSc, UZH, 2016)
Economics and Computation: Interplay between economic and computational thinking. Topics covered include: game theory, mechanism design, p2p file-sharing, advertising and combinatorial auctions, matching markets, computational social choice, and crowdsourcing markets. (BSc/MSc, UZH, 2014)
Guest Lecturing
Advanced Java Development Tools: A practice-oriented introduction to dependency injection using Dagger2, testing using Junit5 and mocking using mockito. Part of the lecture ‘Advanced Java Programming’ at the Università della Svizzera italiana, 2022
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and its Risks: A brief introduction to artificial intelligence, machine learning and its application with a focus on its applicability, strength and weaknesses. Part of the lecture ‘Digital Humanities’ at the University of Zurich, 2023
Recommender Systems at DigitecGalaxus: An overview of the concepts and implementation of the recommender systems we implemented at DigitecGalaxus, with a focus on the importance of simple and well established machine learning techniques. Part of the ‘Recommender Systems’ course at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art (HSLU), 2025